I-70/I-15 Bridge Deck Replacement
The Interstate 70 to Interstate 15 Bridge Deck Replacement project primarily involved the replacement of [...]
Eagle Mountain Blvd. Widening CM/GC
Construction started in June 2022. The project is situated in Eagle Mountain, Utah, specifically involving [...]
Richfield Sewer Lagoons
The Richfield City Sewer Lagoon project consists of reconstructing three large sewer ponds and constructing [...]
Landfill Expansion
The Sweetwater Solid waste Disposal district working with Sweetwater County are going to turn the [...]
I-80 Drainage Pipeline Improvement CM/GC
This project replaced the drainage system (originally built in the 1950's) in the lower two-mile segment [...]
I-15; South Davis County Operational Upgrades Design-Build
This was a Design Build project that upgraded I-15 and interchanges between I-215 interchange in [...]
Western Zirconium Subsurface Barrier Wall
The Western Zirconium Subsurface Barrier Wall Project was an environmental remediation project for Westinghouse. The [...]
Interceptor Siphon System Design-Build
W.W. Clyde & Co. was selected as the contractor for this emergency siphon repair [...]
Navajo Power Generating Station
Work consisted of the construction of a new dike system and 8 new ponds with [...]
Kessler Canyon Tunnel Rehabilitation
This project consisted of the rehabilitation of the Kessler Canyon Tunnel at the Kennecott Utah [...]