I-15; Baker Canyon Passing Lanes
- Owner: UDOT Region 4
- Location: Millard County, UT
- Completion Date: 1 Nov 2021
- Core Competencies: Earthwork
Related Projects
As an ongoing improvement on I-15, the Baker Canyon project will provide essential mobility and safety improvements by adding a climbing lane at three locations in a section that is often congested by trucks and slower moving vehicles.
Other major items of work include replacement of the Dog Valley south bound bridge, the construction of a box culverts approximately 80 ft in length that is 24-ft wide X 11-ft tall for wildlife underpass crossing, 25 miles of right of way fencing, and installation of the Advanced Traffic Management System.
One of the biggest challenges of this project is the remote location. Baker Canyon is a narrow, winding section of I-15 that has very fast traffic and causes frequent backups due to the steep grades and slower moving traffic. The reason for the project is to increase safety for the traveling public in this dangerous section of roadway. Safety during construction is critical and is accomplished by carefully planning and sequencing of the work. Coordination and communication with all subcontractors and crews has been essential to be safe, efficient and successful.
The Baker Canyon corridor has historically been a very dangerous stretch of roadway because of the volume of traffic and the sudden elevation climb for the nine mile section of freeway. By constructing a passing lane through the canyon, the truck traffic is now able to slow down, but the faster moving vehicles can get by without backing up traffic. The canyon now has a much more open feel and there is no doubt the traveling public are safer, particularly in the winter months.
An innovative part about this project is how WW Clyde is using a digital delivery process which means that the design was given to us in a digital model format and using our construction technology team, we construct the entire project with the CAD model using machine control methods. WW Clyde then uses our GPS guided fleet of machines on the project constructing the design model. Using the most advanced tools and methods, our survey crews ensure that are final project complies with the digital delivery specifications.
The major items of work are constructing 9 miles of passing lane including
- 148,000 CY of roadway excavation
- 69,000 CY of rock excavation
- 90,000 CY of granular borrow
- 60,000 CY of road base
- 84,000 TON HMA
- 20,000 TON of SMA
- 553,000 SY of micro-surface material.