Crushing Capabilities
WW Clyde has a fleet of mobile crushing equipment that allows us to crush materials from pits and quarries on-site to be used for road base, pipe bedding, drain rock, structural backfill, asphalt, concrete, and more. From new highway construction to pavement rehabilitation, our team has the capability to crush and recycle a variety of aggregates and existing materials. We use state-of-the-art controls to precisely control the size and shape of the material being crushed. No matter the remote location, we save our clients time and money by eliminating trucking costs.
Mobile Crushing Expertise
Portable aggregate crushing equipment enables us to create additional value on projects. We can save our clients time and money with portable equipment. Our fleet of crushing equipment allows us to open pits and quarries near the project site to manufacture specified products used for road base, pipe bedding, drain rock, structural backfill, and more.
- Portable crushing
- Asphalt aggregate crushing
- Base course aggregate crushing
- Crushing capabilities in hard rock quarries and alluvial deposits