I-70B 1st and Grand Ave Reconstruction
- Owner: CDOT
- Location: Grand Junction, CO
- Completion Date: 1 May 2022
- Core Competencies:
Related Projects
The I-70B 1st and Grand Avenue Project includes reconstruction and realignment of I-70B, SH 340, and North 1st Street and the construction of the I-70B frontage road. The project improved the 5-way intersection, including widening the roadway, consolidating access, improving street connections and constructing improved bike and pedestrian connections.
There are approximately 30,000 vehicles per day that use this intersection. This intersection is the main artery connecting Riverside Parkway and Interstate 70 in Grand Junction. The specs called for this intersection to be open during construction, which presented a challenge for phasing, which was solved by allowing a temporary roundabout. This allowed for longer PCCP pours and provided a smoother surface in regards to smoothness.
IHC SCOTT was a subcontractor to the General Contractor who was United Companies and our scope consisted of over 31,000 SY of 9.5” concrete pavement and over 6,000 square yards of 10.5” concrete pavement.
The project started in May of 2021 and was completed in May of 2022 with a perfect safety score
The project required a high level of coordination due to this being one of the most traveled intersections in Grand Junction as well as due to the amount of local business in the area. The PCCP was placed by hand and machine ranging from 2’ wide to 24’ wide passes and green cuts took place every night at the end of the shift.
Paver used was the Gomaco 2600 as well as the Gomaco TC600 for the cure machine.