Runway 8/26 Complex Pavement Rehabilitation, Colorado
- Owner: Denver International Airport
- Location: Denver, CO
- Completion Date: 1 Jun 2017
- Core Competencies:
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Denver International Airport Runway 8/26 Pavement Rehabilitation
The Runway 8-26 Complex Pavement Rehabilitation project for Denver International Airport removed and replaced deteriorated concrete panels on the runway and Taxiways R, L, and M while repairing substandard base and subgrade. Taxiways L and M safety areas were widened for upgrading to Airplane Design Group 5 standards, and the project constructed a new Taxiway DS Stub and Connector between L and M. Spalls in the concrete pavement was repaired, deteriorated joint sealant was removed and replaced, and the asphalt vehicle service road between the runway and Taxiway ED was improved. The electrical system was upgraded, including the installation of new electrical vaults. Drainage was improved with the installation of new storm structures and associated stormwater utilities.
The major scope included 71,000 square yards of 17” PCCP, 14,000 square yards of asphalt and asphalt treated permeable base, excavation and embankment, and cement treated subgrade. Cement treated base, upgrade of the runway surface weather sensor system, pavement grooving, and pavement marking were included.
Divided into 7 phases, the 114 day construction duration was exacting. Each of the phases required unique airfield closure plans to maintain safe aircraft and support traffic and minimize gate and taxiway closures. Work was being performed concurrently at multiple places, meaning trucks and equipment movements needed constant scheduling and monitoring. Since the electrical upgrades affected other areas of the airfield otherwise outside of the project, the electrical work had separate phases within the overall phases. All stakeholders worked as a cooperative team to provide the airlines with a construction project which caused zero incidents or aircraft delays.