Runway 8/26 Rehab & ADG V Improvements
- Owner: Denver International Airport
- Location: Denver, CO
- Completion Date: 3 May 2012
- Core Competencies:
Related Projects

Denver International Airport Runway and Taxiway Rehabilitation
This rehabilitation project for Denver International Airport provided 59,827 square yards of airfield pavement for Runway 8/26 and adjacent taxiways. In addition, the project included 56,430 square yards of Cement Treated Soil installation, over 465 in-pavement lights, installation of 2,670 feet of various sized drainage pipe and 26,790 tons of asphaltic bituminous pavements.
The schedule included a 45-day runway closure, ensured with a $50,000 per day liquidated damage specification. The overall project consisted of removing concrete panels in small groups throughout the entire runway complex, making the scheduling and coordination of the flow of work crucial to the project’s completion. The panel replacements varied in thickness including 17”and 21” at thickened edges.
To ensure concrete removals stayed on schedule, three sawing companies were utilized to deep saw the removal areas. Throughout removal operations, large areas of subgrade material required evaluation and remediation prior to replacing the PCCP. In conjunction with the panel removals, the electrical subcontractor had to remove all fixtures within a panels-width of any areas affected during the construction process.
Off-road articulated trucks hauled rubble from the worksite. In order to utilize the off-road trucks with their larger loads, special haul roads were constructed with Roller Compacted Concrete placed at needed locations to ensure a stable roadway.