I-15; South Davis County Operational Upgrades Design-Build
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This was a Design Build project that upgraded I-15 and interchanges between I-215 interchange in North Salt Lake to US-89 in Farmington. W.W. Clyde & Co. teamed up with Parsons Brinckerhoff for the design portion of the project. Design and construction consisted of adding a Northbound Express Lane, replacement of the I-15 bridges at 2600 South, 1500 South, 500 South, and 400 North, reconfiguration of the interchanges at 2600 South and 500 South, drainage improvements for widening of I-15, partial right-of-way acquisitions, mill and overlay of I-15 from I-215 interchange in North Salt Lake to 2600 South.
Our design proposal allowed UDOT to construct all project options which added a northbound auxiliary lane between the US-89 exit in Farmington and SR-227 off ramp, widening to provide a southbound Express Lane on I-15 within project limits, and retrofit the existing Parrish Lane structure with a new pedestrian/bicycle walkway.
Project completion was August of 2015.