I-80 Drainage Pipeline Improvement CM/GC
- Owner: Utah Department of Transportation
- Location: Parley's Canyon, UT
- Contract Value: $9.9 M
- Core Competencies: Pipelines & Drainage
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This project replaced the drainage system (originally built in the 1950s) in the lower two-mile segment of Parley’s Canyon, including the installation of 10,500 lineal feet of 66-inch RCP trunk line storm drain/irrigation pipe and 6,660 lineal feet of 18- to 42- inch surface and roadway drainage pipe. Also included were 20 separate lateral pipe installations ranging from 24 to 42 inches in diameter that crossed perpendicular to I-80 at depths of up to 100-plus feet.
The project originally involved the repair of 8 culvert segments and laterals. Our team conducted a thorough evaluation of the existing conditions in the CM (pre-construction) phase and, with an extensive cost analysis, determined it was more cost effective to replace the pipeline and laterals. Much of the analysis was conducted utilizing LIDAR survey technology.
Safety and planning were a challenge as work was conducted adjacent to I-80 which has approximately 60 thousand vehicles per day travelling through the canyon. More than 2,300 lineal feet of pipeline required drilling, blasting and excavation of approx. 15,000 cubic yards of material at depths ranging from 10 ft to 22 feet with blasting occuring within five feet of the highway shoulder. The pipeline followed the curvature of the road which required a full-time surveyor and lasers to pull the joints. The pipe utilized on this project came manufactured with straight, left curve, and right curve pieces which had to be custom fitted at the joint before being buried. Deep trench boxes were utilized to ensure safety while laying pipe.