This project constructed a new water treatment facility and appurtenant structures alongside the existing plant. W.W. Clyde & Co. was required to use commercial divers in the reservoir and pump intake structure to make underwater pipe modifications and remove 25 years of accumulated sediments for installation of the new raw water pumps. The new plant utilizes ozone pre-treatment of the water for preliminary disinfection, control of taste and odor, and to reduce the formation of chlorine disinfection by-products. After pre-treatment, new flocculation basins and chemical feed systems process and send water to dual media filters for an excellent finished water to distribute to the end user.
The project included the conventional construction of a new 8 MGD conventional water treatment plant with pre-ozonation, a new 2.8 MG treated water reservoir, incline turbine pumps, and the replacement of existing 24-inch welded steel raw water feed pipe with new 24-inch mortar coated steel pipe. Also included was the cathodic bonding of the existing treated water line.