Steven Dungey’s story is one of resilience and dedication, a testament to the power of hard work and perseverance. From his time as a military soldier to his current role as an area equipment superintendent at IHC Scott, he has always strived to make a difference in people’s lives. 

Steven’s journey in construction began when he joined the Air Force as a pavement and equipment specialist. His passion for the industry and construction equipment in general only grew from there. 

“When you have better equipment, you can acquire better talent,” Steven said. “My motto has always been to have rental-ready equipment at all times. That’s what I’ve hung my hat on. Our equipment needs to look and perform like it should. It should be attractive and not a rust bucket with bent seats and leaks. That’s our standard; that’s the goal.” 

For Steven, every day is a new challenge, and he thrives on overcoming them. His position requires him to help manage aspects of a concrete plant, perform equipment surveys, and order new parts while figuring out how to prevent the same equipment from breaking again in the future. 

However, his most fulfilling moments come from working with people, especially when they are honest with him about equipment failures. 

“That’s all I need is their honesty, then we can figure it out,” Steven said. “I like getting the information that we learned together out to others to make sure the same situation doesn’t happen again. We want everybody to go home safe at the end of the day.” 

Greg Frazee, Area Manager of Construction at IHC Scott, believes Steven is always willing to go above and beyond for the team. 

“Steven is the first guy on site and the last guy off site every day,” Greg said. “He is as committed to this company as anybody. He always answers his phone, no matter what. He will be on site in 10 minutes to help take care of any situation. He has called me from a hospital bed before, trying to coordinate daily activities on the job. 

“Steven cares so much about his people and about people in general. If he’s not working for us, he’s volunteering or doing something to improve the community. He works with kids all the time and is involved in a lot of really amazing initiatives outside of work. His whole life has been dedicated to service. He’s really a guy that we should all model ourselves after.” 

For Steven, the construction industry is not just about operating equipment but also about making a difference in people’s lives. 

“Instead of just saying that you drive around a dozer for a living, for example, our employees should realize that they do way more than that,” Steven said. “They make roads safer for people every day. When you look at the big picture of what we do, we help hundreds of thousands of people. That’s something I’m so proud to be a part of.”